Media trainer Julian Matthews unravels technology and serves it up in digestible bits to the people that matter in your organization.
He takes the geek out of geek-speak ~ making the convoluted sound simple and straightforward.
Julian is the trainer that trains journalists.
His consultancy Trinetizen Media Sdn Bhd counts among its clients The Star, Bernama and RTM.
The company trains and guides reporters, editors and photographers to migrate from print to multimedia and digital story-telling modes.
As a multimedia proponent, Julian also conducts workshops for multinationals and local companies in online advertising, multimedia marketing, 3G mobile networks, corporate blogging, corporate podcasting, online search techniques, digital photo editing, digital audio editing, social media networks, web design and integrated marketing communications.
A pioneer in online journalism, Julian was the first Malaysian correspondent for, a Silicon Valley-based technology news site which was part of Nikkei Business Publications, the largest trade publisher in Japan.
For 14 years, he was also the Malaysian correspondent for Nikkei Electronics Asia, a monthly technology magazine, and later contributed to prominent online technology and business publications in the Asia Pacific region including CNET, ZDNet and Newsbytes, a Washington Post-Newsweek Interactive online wire agency.
As a print journalist, Julian began his career with The Star in 1984. He also contributed articles to the New Straits Times, The Edge and the New Zealand Herald, and various trade publications and magazines. He was awarded the Malaysian Tourist Development Corporation's Best Travel Writer award in 1989.
As a web designer, he has developed various websites for small and medium enterprises and raised awareness for non-government organisations.
As a corporate writing consultant, Julian has extended his editorial services to multinationals such as IBM, HP, Accenture and Nestle.
Most recently, Julian has conducted public workshops on effective media relations, investor relations, crisis communications, media strategy and planning, media cultivation and media interview preparation.
He also advises companies on how to get better publicity for their brand, products and services in the press and online media.
Julian is also the father of two children and resides in Petaling Jaya.
Trinetizen Media: Training and consultancy
Co-founder, Trainer
Develops, designs and conducts customized inhouse and public workshops specializing in multimedia, new media and Web 2.0 concepts.
Available programmes:
- Effective Media Spokesperson
- Effective Media Relations
- Effective Investor Relations
- Multimedia and Online Marketing
- Multimedia and Online Advertising
- Multimedia Journalism
- New Media and Crisis Communications
- Corporate Blogging and Podcasting
Trinetizen Media: Independent news agency
Co-founder, editor, webmaster
Developed and created a news agency contributing articles
to print and online publications across the Asia Pacific.
here for archive of stories 1995-2008
Nikkei Electronics Asia, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.
1992 ~ 2007
Malaysian Correspondent
Joined publication at start-up as national correspondent.
Filed regular monthly news reports about semiconductor, telco and
Internet industries in Malaysia and contributed to Business &
Market, and Interview sections.
here for archive of stories 1996- 2007
Newsbytes, a Washington Post-Newsweek subsidiary, currently
November 1999 ~ 2001
Malaysian Correspondent
Joined Newsbytes as national correspondent and filed exclusive, international
technology news stories.
here for more stories.
ZDNet Asia
June 2000 ~ Jan 2001
Malaysian Correspondent
Joined ZDNET Asia as national correspondent and filed regular exclusive technology
news weekly.
here for more stories.
April 1999 ~ May 2000
Malaysian Correspondent
Joined CNET Malaysia at start-up and filed regular
exclusive technology news and coordinated, commissioned and edited
weekly features.
here for more stories
AsiaBizTech, Nikkei Business Publications Inc
1996 ~ 1998
Malaysian Correspondent
Joined Silicon Valley-based online publication at start-up and filed weekly
technology news from Malaysia, and special reports for seminars and conferences.
Also reported on Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor project,
Internet developments and news on semiconductor, disk drive and telecommunication
here for archive of 1998 stories.
Various publishers and organizations
1991 - present
Independent Professional Journalist and Photographer
Since May 1991, have been working as a self-employed
independent journalist and photographer. Have done news and features,
corporate profiles, promotional material, product reviews and brochures
for IBM, Nestle and various other organizations.
BN & Associates
1988 - 1991
Senior Feature Writer and Photographer
Contributed articles for "Mystical Malaysia",
a monthly travel magazine, "Perak Discovery", a travel quarterly, and "Headline",
a bimonthly on the advertising industry. Also assisted in the compilation of the "Official Visit Malaysia Year 1990 Commemorative Album" and the design and editing of the official ASEAN brochure.
Was awarded Malaysian tourism industry's highest annual accolade for travel writing, Best Travel Writer 1989.
The Star Publications Bhd
1984 - 1987
Daily coverage of political, social and economic issues
as well as crime and entertainment news for leading
English newspaper in Malaysia. Managed and contributed to music
review column, Easy Listening.
New Straits Times Bhd
Freelance Contributor
Contributed freelance features for Times of Your Life,
a youth section of newspaper.
Backyard Pub and Restaurant
Malaysian Technology News
Zealand Expedition Nov 13-Dec 22, 2001
World Cup
Aid Organisation, Malaysia
Point, Tioman
Malaysian Human Resources Development Council Certified Trainer
Diploma in Multimedia Production (NZQA accredited),
SAE Institute, Parnell, Auckland (2003)
Proficient with Mac and Windows platforms and various
web-design and content-management software, browsers, email, ftp,
graphics, instant-messaging and MS Office applications.
Also: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, FinalCut Pro, Premiere,
Director, PHP, mySQL.
Internet content development and online community building, reading,
cycling, travelling, scuba diving.>
Available upon request.
Email: julianATtrinetizenDOTcom
Tel: +6012-9159528, +603-78775970
Address: Available upon email request.